Media Morsels 12.11

In an effort to post more regularly, I’ve decided to start posting Media Morsels, which will be little bites of “news” that I found interesting that week. In this inaugural edition, I’m dipping into the archive for a couple of the items to let you know about some goings on from two or three weeks ago that are worth mentioning. Future posts should be timelier. Let’s begin.
- 21 Guns recording – As previously reported, the fantastic cast of American Idiot went into the studio to record their version of Green Day’s hit single (and number in American Idiot) 21 Guns. It was released last week and is one of the most beautiful recordings I’ve ever heard. The quality of the recording is really great – very clear with a good blend – but it’s the performance that it absolutely outstanding. Rebecca Naomi Jones has a gorgeously haunting voice; that’s juxtaposed with the sweetness from Mary Faber and the other ladies as well as the grittiness of the men’s vocals, including Billie Joe Armstrong. The first time I listened I cried through it, remembering that moment in the show and being overcome by the emotion and power in the vocals and orchestrations. Take a listen for yourself and join my “I Can’t Wait for American Idiot to Come to New York and Record a Record” club.
- Meryl Streep on Vanity Fair – So many magazines (including Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair) have been plastering their covers with teen celebs who are known by ridiculous IM-speak-abbreviated names (RPatz? I’m ashamed that I was able to figure that one out) so I was thrilled when I opened my mailbox to find that the visage staring back at me on the January issue of Vanity Fair was that of Meryl Streep. Ms. Streep is an amazing actress, I’m sure I don’t need to make an argument about that. She’s also beautiful and is regularly seen sans or in natural make-up. Oh, that the teeny-boppers making millions off tweens would put down the MAC-pipe, stop with the gimmicks and go au naturale for once.
- Snoop on Conan – hilarious. (Part one; part two; part three)
- Enron before American Idiot – A show about Enron – yes, that scandal-ridden Enron – which recently ran in London, is set to come to Broadway this spring. This gets a theatre before American Idiot? Scandalous.
- David Brooks’ second education – I don’t usually side with Brooks on politics, but in November he wrote a wonderful op-ed detailing his second education, his musical education, in which he was taught by Professor The Boss.
- Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody – ‘nuff said. Watch and enjoy. I need more Dr. Teeth in my life!
Enjoyed listening to 21 Guns...It made me want to hear more.