How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying

How to Succeed in (the Theatre) Business Without Really Trying: Table of Contents Chapter One – Choose a Musical Revival Chapter Two – Fill Your Stage with Lots of Bright Colors Chapter Three – Cast a Movie Star in the Lead Role Chapter Four – Watch the Box Office Explode Chapter One – Choose a Musical Revival Musicals are more popular than plays, and revivals, no matter how irrelevant they may be to the present or how ill-adored they are, are a “brand” name, a recognizable commodity. This means tourists, who are the majority of theatre goers, are more apt to see it. They know it so they figure it must be good. (This is why the terribly boring Phantom is still running.) This revival of How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying (music and lyrics by Frank Loesser; book by Abe Burrows, Jack Weinstock and Willie Gilbert) is being presented, ostensibly, because this year represents the 50th anniversary of the show. (The plot of How to S...