Something’s just not catching with me. I like the spirit behind Once; I like the passion for music, the belief in the transformative power of music and love; I like the not-so-subtle implication that music is life and sustenance. This is a musical that’s all about music; I should be obsessed with this. But I’m just not that into it.

I don’t love the music. They make the argument that music is life, but their music/lives are depressing—slow and repetitive, tired and almost dirge-like. Many songs are lyrically interesting. I might respond to them if I read them as poems. But the actual music lacks vibrancy—and all the songs sound the same. I can take a song that’s slow and slogging, but not an entire score (which is not new for the musical; most of, if not all, the songs were written for and appear in the movie). There are glimmers of greatness in Hansard and Irglova’s score: The a cappella version of “Gold” shows off the great voices in the cast. The harmonies were exquisite. And “When Your Mind’s Made Up,” the song Guy, Girl and the ensemble sing in the studio (with a full drum kit), actually had some blood—some life—in it. But everything else was too melancholy for my taste.
Perhaps trying to counteract the melancholia of the score, playwright Walsh and director Tiffany try to inject some humor into the show. Everyone around me thought these moments and lines were funny, but the jokes just didn’t land for me.

One of the highlights of the show, however, was the dancing. The choreography - or movement, as it’s billed - is by Steven Hoggett (American Idiot), and is really expressive. Sometimes stomping, sometimes subtle, it’s thoroughly effective.
The best part of the show, though, was the pre-show on-stage jam session. The entire cast plays all the music throughout the show—they are their orchestra—and so the pre-show saw them (except for Kazee and Milioti) gathering and warming up in the “pub.” It’s always fun to watch musicians revel in each other, and these guys and gals are all extremely talented. Unfortunately, everything went downhill from there. This overture was nearly the only part of the show that didn’t feel flat and uninspired.
Fans of the film and/or those who go for this kind of music may love Once. It’s certainly been well-received by critics and audiences. To be sure, I appreciate and recognize the craft and the talent. But this musical about music lives or dies by the score, and I just couldn’t take it. Once was more than enough.
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