Oscar Wrap Up

The 85th Academy Awards are in the books. And it was a great show, in my opinion. Sure, it ran over and some parts were more engaging than others, but considering that they have to actually hand out awards - even in the categories you don't care about - it was good. We'll get into the ceremony and winners in a moment. First, of course, the fashion. Jennifer Lawrence, just 22, looks more grown up and sophisticated in her white Dior gown than she has on the red carpet this season. What I loved most about her look, though, was the backwards necklace draping down her back. It's a simple choice that made a great statement. Meanwhile Zoe Saldana gets the award for most improved. In 2010, she wore a similar look (in that it was purple ombre) and it did. not. work. This year, she gets it right. I don't love the flowers on top, but I get it, and I like the structure of the dress, the belted waist and the flowing, multi-hued bottom. Next on the red carpet, Metal...