Nobody Loves You
Shortly before seeing Nobody
Loves You, I was watching a reality program. (The Next Food Network Star,
to be exact. I was Team Viet.) I had no idea what Nobody Love You would be about; I could barely keep in mind that I
was going to see it. (It’s been a busy summer, so far.) But as I watched the
Food Network hopefuls give their direct address testimonials, I thought, “Could
you do reality TV on stage?” Apparently you can.
This new, original musical from Itamar Moses (book and
lyrics) and Gaby Alter (music and lyrics), conceives a reality dating show,
"Nobody Loves You," and for 90 minutes explores whether or not one character’s
assertion is true: “You can perform or you can connect; you can’t do both.”

It’s fairly deep territory for such a shallow medium
(reality TV, that is, not theatre). Luckily, we have able writers laying the
groundwork and a director, Michelle Tattenbaum, who harkened back to
traditional musical theatre tropes and techniques when visioning the show.

During a post-show discussion with the writers and director,
Alter confirmed he consciously used different music styles for different
characters and settings in the show. For example, "Nobody Loves You" is
hosted by pretty boy Byron (played with slick charm by Heath Calvert).
Everything this automaton sings is 90s slow jam pastiche. While I dig some 90s
slow jams, the genre is used here to signify style and no substance. Contrast
that with the more folk-tinged numbers sung by Jeff and his love interest,
producer Jenny (Aleque Reid), which are meant to express actual and true

Similarly, Jeff has noble intentions when he agrees to stay
on "Nobody Loves You." Like McKay before him, he quickly is consumed by the fame
monster and ends up performing more than connecting. With the ubiquity of
reality TV shows and their inevitable “stars,” this is something we can all
relate to (with chagrin, perhaps), and so like some of the best musicals, Nobody Loves You says something about
our society.
Nobody Loves You comes to Second Stage after a production at
San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre and a festival presentation. When I saw it, early
in previews, there were still some lighting and sound cues to be worked out.
Those easily fixable challenges notwithstanding, I could see Nobody Loves You having either a brief
run on Broadway, or a celebrated and storied run off-Broadway and regionally.
(Not that it’s my job to figure that out, of course…)
Visit Second Stage to learn more about the show and to
purchase tickets.
Nobody Loves You plays through August 11 and stars Health Calvert (Bloody Bloody AndrewJackson; Hair), Bryan Fenkart (Memphis), Roe Hartrampf, Autumn Hurlbert, Leslie
Kritzer (The Memory Show), Lauren Molina, Rory O’Malley (The Book of Mormon)
and Aleque Reid.
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