Wouldn’t you know it—a movie about everyone conning everyone
else pulled off a con on the audience. You can only judge movies in the context
in which you see them. David O. Russell’s
American Hustle is being released
now, during the height of award season, and it’s garnering lots of award buzz. (It received multiple
Golden Globe and
SAG Award nominations.)
It’s also loosely based on the real-life events of the Ab-scam scandal. All that
adds up to audiences (and several critics) thinking there’s going to be heft—but there isn’t.
American Hustle is campy pastiche, devoid of true
substance but lots of fun. There’s is so much scenery chewing going on—so
many outrageous, over the top performances from incredible actors. This makes
it fun and entertaining, but still no heft.
There’s also no point of view to the film (which Russell co-wrote with Eric Warren Singer). Are we supposed to
think these con artists are cool? Are we supposed to be seduced by these
characters? (Well, I was a bit seduced by the amazing Amy Adams, who was in
full 70s soap opera glory—just big and brassy with a lot of cleavage.) Are we
supposed to learn something about who we are as a society? I don’t think that
was the point. (For a meditation on greed in the zeitgeist, see
The Wolf of Wall Street.)

Of course, none of this makes
America Hustle, focusing on con
artists Irving (Christian Bale) and Sydney (Amy Adams), the manic and
corruptible FBI agent, Richie (Bradley Cooper), whom they team (?) up with, the
wheeling and dealing New Jersey mayor (Jeremy Renner) Irv and Syd set as their
mark and Irv’s kooky wife, Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence), a bad movie.
To be sure, Russell is a good director. He gathered his favorites
The Fighter (Bale and Adams) and
Silver Linings Playbook (Cooper and
Lawrence), plus several
Boardwalk Empire players, who are all terrific actors.
It’s clear from the pedigree of this film that nothing that made the final cut
was an accident.

Bale is the most understated, showing a glimmer of compassion.
Lawrence is splendid as the certifiable Rosalyn, bringing the histrionics when
they’re called for. Cooper is aggressive and borderline manic as the agent who
too easily gets caught up in delusions of grandeur. And Adams is steely
brilliance as the dame in this heist scheme.
Even so, this isn’t much more than Ocean’s Eleven with a little
“true life” sprinkled in. It’s a fun popcorn flick, but not an awards
'American Hustle': Compulsively watchable, it's a crime film that dances. David O. Russell directs with a pop rapture.
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