American Hero
Who are today’s heroes? Bess Wohl’s play, American Hero (directed by Leigh Silverman (Violet)), tries to explore that question by checking in on the lives of three “sandwich artists” working at a sub shop.

The set up is mostly an excuse for Wohl to delve into a character study, trying to find out what we’re made of, and what it means to be heroic in the modern world. Both the situation and the interpersonal entanglements that ensue test everyone’s mettle, making for a alternately funny and thoughtful new play.
American Hero is mostly well-written and certainly relevant (I happened to see it the day fast food workers began their strike), though it could use a little fine-tuning to try to find its point of view. It seems like Wohl is struggling between making a political statement and presenting a fascinating character study. The lack of perspective keeps this otherwise fine play from hitting the mark, though there is potential for growth.
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