Spring Awakening

I heard about the Deaf West production of Spring Awakening , and I thought, "That sounds interesting." Then I heard it was coming to Broadway. I was going to see Spring Awakening on Broadway. Again. I was shocked. I saw Spring Awakening ten times during its original Broadway run. At my age, it's uncommon for there to be a revival of a show I saw in its original run, but in what's becoming a trend, revivals are popping up within a decade of their original productions. (To wit, this season, we'll see a revival of The Color Purple , which debuted on Broadway in late 2005, and played through February 2008.) If you know how I feel about revivals, you might think I would have been skeptical of this Spring Awakening revival, even more so because I loved the original Broadway production so much. But from the start, there was something different about this. Deaf West is a Los Angeles-based theatre company that, for the last 25 years, has been producing productio...