First Daughter Suite
It takes a lot of talented people to make a lousy show. Michael John LaChiusa's new musical is First Daughter Suite. You'd think it would focus on the many first daughters to live in the White House, but you would be wrong. Split into four vignettes, First Daughter Suite attempts to get into the minds of the first ladies, particularly in the first and fourth vignettes. (The second is the only one that truly lives up to the title.)

First Daughter Suite concludes with "In the Deep Bosom of the Ocean Buried," which takes place in Kennebunkport in October 2005. Here we see Barbara Bush (Mary Testa)—that would be George H.W. Bush's wife, not his granddaughter, who was actually a first daughter—talking with Robin Bush (McCarthy), Barbara and George's deceased daughter. Laura Bush (Jones), W's wife, periodically comes in, relaying messages from the men and trying to reason with her prickly mother-in-law.
The final tableau (First Daughter Suite is directed by Kristen Sanderson), finds everyone looking at Barbara Bush. This image reminded my friend and me of Assassins, and, indeed, the idea here is similar: Put together a group of people who have this one, entirely distinguishing thing—something you have to go through to understand—in common, and see what happens. That's an interesting concept, but it just doesn't work.
The misdirection of the title aside (and LaChiusa has already written First Lady Suite), the score does not excite; it does not open up a piece of this strange world of living your life in public, of having this honorific and place in history despite not seeking it. Rather than go for deep, thoughtful analysis, First Daughter Suite trades in summary-page, tabloid psychology, which is disappointing given the caliber of artists on and off stage. Again, the exception is the imaginative Amy Carter dream, which, when going for laughs, finds truths and drama. Perhaps that should have been the tack taken in the other three vignettes, which all went for sophisticated drama but got soap opera pastiche instead.
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