The Present
I had high hopes for The Present. The Sydney Theatre Company production is a take on a lost Anton Chekhov play (Platonov) and stars the unparalleled two-time Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett (making her Broadway debut). While it was, indeed, a treat to catch Blanchett on stage, The Present is a middling play about a bunch of adults misbehaving.

Given the revelers' history, there's a lot of talk of the past. There's also quite a bit of pontificating about the future. Basically there's a lot of talk while they all try to distract themselves from their lives, from the present. (Get it?) Mikhail, for example, is good at telling others what to do but can't take his own advice, while Anna takes a nihilistic approach to confronting the present. There are fireworks, explosions, shots.

Like you might expect from a Chekhovian play, The Present, adapted by Andrew Upton, takes its time, building characters rather than plot. (Certain Anna–related character/plot details are reminiscent of The Cherry Orchard leading lady, Ranevskaya.) As directed by John Crowley, there is humor and moments of levity. (There's a particularly titillating mini-Bacchanalia in act two.) Yet The Present doesn't pack the punch other Chekhov plays do. Perhaps it's the melodrama that blunts the impact of whatever Upton meant to impart. Blanchett is terrific, and she has good chemistry with Roxburgh, but this isn't a present that thrills.
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